Notes on Rockschool Video Examinations
Please read carefully the ‘Notes on Rockschool video Examinations’ before completing the entry form.
Exam Type & Date for video submission 考試類別及影片遞交期限
Type of Examination 考試類別 |
Video Submission 遞交錄影片段 |
Video Exam 錄影考試 |
No later than three month after entry 報名後3個月內 |
Examination Fees 考試費用
Graded Certificate / Performance Certificate Exam 等級證書 / 演奏證書考試 | |
Grade 級別 | Fee 費用 (HK$) |
Entry Level (Premiere) | 1,125 |
Entry Level (Debut) | 1,198 |
Grade 1 | 1,447 |
Grade 2 | 1,520 |
Grade 3 | 1,769 |
Grade 4 | 1,868 |
Grade 5 | 2,236 |
Grade 6 | 2,420 |
Grade 7 | 2,485 |
Grade 8 | 3,056 |
Entry Information 報名須知 1. Complete submission must include: i. upload a photocopy of candidate’s Hong Kong Identity Card/ Passport (with photo) ; AND Entry will NOT be accepted if any of the requested attachments have not been submitted. (photocopy of the pay-in slip for own record is recommended) 申請考試人士必須將下列文件一併交回: i. 上傳考生的香港身份證(附有照片)/護照(附有照片)副本 有關文件如未有連同報名表一併遞交,申請恕不獲接納。 2. Payment of examination fees must be made by i. Online payment (by Paypal/Wechat Pay/Alipay/Octopus) Candidates are responsible for any additional charges required by the bank 考試費用必須以下列方式繳付: i. 網上付款 (以Paypal/Wechat Pay/支付寶/八達通); 如因銀行或其他付款方式所收取之手續費,本機構恕不負責,一切額外費用,考生需自行承擔。 3. Examination fees are NOT refundable. 任何已繳交之報名及其他費用,將不獲退還。 4. The exam fee includes exam enrollment administrative fee as well as the mailing fees of confirmation letter, exam marksheet and certificate (if applicable). If the mail is returned due to delivery problems, candidate needs to collect the mail at Rockschool office in person. Please note that Rockschool HK will NOT resend the mail by post. 考試費用已包含考試報名的行政費,確認信、考試分紙及證書(如有)的郵寄費用。考試文件若於首次寄出後,因郵遞問題退回本公司,考生需親自到本公司領取該文件。本公司不會重新郵寄該文件。 5. Instrument, type of exam (Grade or Performance) and grade of submitted applications cannot be changed. HK$200 administrative fee charged for any amendment in exam details made after submitting the entry form. 遞交後的申請均不可更改科目、形式或等級。遞交報名表後,本公司有權對一切考試相關之改動徵收行政費港幣200元正。 6. The Rockschool HK Ltd. Will not be responsible for any delay/loss in mail or internet service. 任何因郵遞延誤或遺失及系統故障導致有關文件未能如期寄到收件者地點,本公司恕不負責。 7. Photocopying of any material to facilitate page turns in the exams is allowed. Original exam book, CD, USB or Electronic book must be brought to the exam. Re-used book is not accepted in the exam except retake. 任何影印之考試材料只可作翻頁用途。考生必須帶備原裝考試書本、光碟、USB或電子版考試書本應考。除重考生,考試書本恕不可重用。 Candidates who failed to fulfill the above request will be disqualified. 如考生未能達到以上要求將會被取消考試資格。 Personal Data 個人資料 1. Personal data given must be clearly written, true and accurate. 填寫之個人資料必須清晰易見,並且全屬確實無訛。 2. Personal data given will be used for examination purposes ONLY. 填寫之個人資料只作辦理考試安排之用。 General Information 一般事項 1. Candidates aged below 18 must be entered by an entrant aged 18 or above. 未滿18 歲之考生,必須由年滿 18 歲之人士代為申請考試。 2. Candidate name(s) given on the entry form must be agreed with the candidate(s) attending the examination. Examination entries may not be transferred from one candidate to another under no circumstance. Rockschool HK Ltd examiners and exam steward have the right to verify candidates’ identities. 報名表上之考生姓名,必須與出席考試之考生姓名相符,任何情況下考生不能被轉換。本公司之考官及試場助理有權對考生之身份進行核實。